Sool Tasting class

Sool Tasting class

【 Discovering Artisan Makgeolli 】

Come experience the uniqueness of Korean Makgeolli!

Join us this summer not only to explore its craftsmanship, varieties and flavors but also to discover the traditional brewing techniques and the cultural significance.

Don’t miss the chance to expand your beverage horizons. Space is limited, so… reserve your spot today!

趁盛夏來臨,來再次嚐味韓國水火美酒 Sool 的熱烈!


韓國人愛喝酒也很能喝,而最具代表性的民族酒非Sool 莫屬。Sool一詞中包含了Soo(水)和 Bool(火),意思水火交融為之酒,並包含發酵或蒸餾而成的各種酒類。究竟Sool 有著什麼工藝、分類、口感的不同?其中又可窺探哪些韓國文化中的真性情?


早前三月舉辦的Sool體驗好評如潮,今次難得再次請到韓國酒專家帶你走進 Sool 的世界,精選數款獨特配方手作精釀而成的 Sool,並帶來韓國傳統佐酒的脆皮海苔小食,一起品味人生!




導師簡介 About the Tutor:

Haneul Oh 是韓國傳統酒品酒師和釀酒師,獲得多個韓國傳統酒類相關資格證,包括韓國酒類安全協會釀造香氣鑑定師、KISA 傳統酒品酒師等。

Ms. Haneul Oh is a Korean traditional liquor sommelier and brewer. She has achieved many certificates related to Korean traditional liquor in Korea, including Korea Liquor Safety Association brewing aroma appraiser, KISA Traditional Liquor Sommelier etc..


備註 Remarks:

1. 完成報名登記的人士,即表示已閱覽及同意報名程序、條款及細則,以及惡劣天氣安排。,以及惡劣天氣安排。Applicants who join the programme will be deemed to have accepted the Enrolment Procedure, Remarks, Terms & Conditions.

2.此工作坊適合18歲或以上人士參與。This workshop is suitable for participants aged 18 or above.

3. 此工作坊將以英語進行。This workshop will be conducted in English.

4. 此工作坊參加者可獲 PMQ 味道圖書館即日通行證一張(價值HK$50)。Ticket includes one PMQ Taste Library day pass ($50)

5. PMQ味道圖書館會員須在報到時出示會員證號碼,方能享有會員票價優惠。PMQ Taste Library members must show their membership number at the event reception to enjoy the ticket discount.

6. 此班不適合孕婦或有酒精敏感人仕參加。This workshop is not suitable for pregnant women or those with alcohol sensitivity.

7. 如有任何爭議,PMQ元創方保留最終決定權。The decision of PMQ Management Co. Ltd shall be final should disputes arise.

