[韓食] (加推) 馬格利酒釀造工作坊[K-Food] (Extra classes added!) Makgeolli Brewing Workshop好消息! 文化院上個月舉行嘅馬格利酒釀造工作坊吸引咗超過500人申請! 見反應咁熱烈,文化院決定加開場次!🎉🎊上次抽唔中嘅朋友,要把握今次機會啦~!工作坊會俾大家嘗試釀造馬格利酒一部分嘅步驟,之後帶返屋企發酵大約兩週後, 就可以同親朋好友分享啦!想親身製作屬於自己嘅馬格利酒?就要快啲報名啦🔥Good News! The Makgeolli...
Discover Korea’s Fresh, Live Yeast, and 100% Natural Artisan Makgeolli – A One-of-a-Kind Experience!
Mark your calendars, bring your friends, and come toast to the taste of Korea’s finest Makgeolli in Hong Kong!
[K-Food] Makgeolli Brewing Workshop[韓食] 馬格利酒釀造工作坊聽到大家對馬格利酒嘅呼聲,文化院再度推出馬格利酒釀造班!馬格利酒(막걸리)係韓國傳統酒嘅一種,使用大米發酵製成。酒精含量係6-8%之間,帶有少許甜味,通常配煎餅飲用。工作坊會俾大家嘗試釀造馬格利酒一部分嘅步驟,之後帶返屋企同親朋好友分享!想親身製作屬於自己嘅馬格利酒?就要快啲報名啦🔥We feel everybody’s enthusiasm towards Makgeolli! KCCHK is launching the makgeolli...
Come experience the uniqueness of Korean Makgeolli!
Join us this summer not only to explore its craftsmanship, varieties and flavors but also to discover the traditional brewing techniques and the cultural significance.
Don’t miss the chance to expand your beverage horizons. Space is limited, so… reserve your spot today!