
Sool Tasting class
Come experience the uniqueness of Korean Makgeolli! Join us this summer not only to explore its craftsmanship, varieties and flavors but also to discover the traditional brewing techniques and the cultural significance. Don’t miss the chance to expand your beverage horizons. Space is limited, so… reserve your spot today!
Sool Brewing class
🎉新年快樂! 🎊 新的一年,文化院為大家帶來了新一季的韓食之味韓食教室活動。農曆新年將至,韓國除了有各種煎餅和年糕湯,還有甚麼應節飲食呢?其實韓國人還會在年初一早上喝上一杯屠蘇酒,驅除厄運,祈求健康。2024的首次韓食之味,文化院邀請了韓國傳統酒釀酒師為大家介紹屠蘇酒,大家更可以親自釀造屬於自己的屠蘇酒與親友分享 ! 不要錯過機會啊!🎉Happy New Year! 🎊 In the new year, KCC is back...
  Are you ready for the ultimate k-pop experience?  We're delighted to announce that Fermentation...
Sool Tasting Class
    Sign up for the event 👇👇👇   一場與傳統韓國酒sool的美味約會   韓國人愛喝酒,據世衛 WHO 統計全球飲酒消費習慣,韓國竟排列全球第二,僅次於以伏特加聞名的俄羅斯。Sool是韓國酒的統稱,包含了發酵或蒸餾而成的各種酒類,Sool一詞包含了Soo(水)和Bool(火),可見直白精準地表達了韓國傳統中人們對酒的感知與形容。...
Fermentation Heaven
  These unique expressions are the results of 8 passionate and quality insisting producers who...
Grand Opening!
Step into a realm of refined taste and cultural sophistication as the doors of a...